Andalusia, Spain (September)

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It has been nine years since we last visited Andalusia. We were in the eastern part with the Alhambra as the highlight. This time we would like to see the western part with some of its White Towns, Pueblos Blancos, and of course the Andalusian capital Seville.

Plaza de la Constitución, Málaga

As usual, flight via Munich this time, we get our hired car at the Málaga Airport. First night accomodation is also pre-booked. And here we go again!

Plaza del Obispo, Málaga surrounded by the Bishop’s Palace and the cathedral.

After checking-in and refreshing in the hotel we proceed into the bustling town centre of Málaga. It comes alive around 5 pm. after the siesta and remains busy until 10 pm. Bars and restaurants even longer into the night.

Catedral de Málaga, built on the ground of a former Moorish mosque since 1528 A.D. and still uncompleted up to date. It has led to the cathedral being called “La Manquita”, meaning “The One-Armed Lady” as the south tower ramains unfinished.

Shortly before exhaustion we finally find a table for the first meal of the day on Plaza del Obispo. Not haute cuisine but the meal is reasonable and particularly the backdrop around is just perfect to end the tiring arrival day.

Jamón serrano, a Spanish delicacy, a dry-cured ham (jamón) from the sierra (serrano). It is fixed firmly in a special holder (ham stand left handside) and sliced in to thin layers to unfold the aroma of the ham.

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